Weekly Recap #373 August 16th – Apex Legends, Elsword, Conqueror’s Blade & More!
Genesis is an Upcoming Free-to-Play MOBA for PS4: 0:33
Rampage Games revealed a new MOBA optimized for controllers this week known as Genesis. Players will enter a battle between the gods and mankind in a futuristic world as teams of five fight to destroy one another and control the battlefield. 28 original heroes will be available with plenty of character customization options. Genesis will also feature a single-player story as well as a cooperative conquest mode. Genesis is live now on Playstation 4 in both Europe and North America. Might be worth a look.
Mythgard Reveals September Open Beta: 1:01
Mythgard, the upcoming urban fantasy CCG revealed this past week that they’ll be moving from Alpha status into an Open Beta on September 19th, 2019! The game features a unique blend of futuristic technology and mythical beasts, which hopes to create a unique CCG experience. Mythgard features a single player campaign as well as multiple ways to earn daily rewards so that every card in the game can be earned for free. It’s also worth noting that the game will undergo a server wipe at the end of the Alpha phase so all players will be starting from square one when the game transitions to open beta.
Neverwinter: Uprising Now Available on PC: 1:37
Perfect World Entertainment had a new update hit PC this past week for Neverwinter called Uprising! This new update has a new playable race in the Gith, a race who are locked in eternal combat with the Illithid. Halaster Blackcloak demands retribution on the adventurers who occupied his domain in an all new End Game 10-Player Trial. New PVP gear and a new PVP map make their debut in this update, alongside a rework of Protector’s Enclave. The early game experience for Neverwinter has also been reworked, and the Appearance System also received an overhaul. The hope is that these changes will make playing new characters simpler and more fun for both new and returning players. For the full breakdown, check out the link in the description below.
Conqueror’s Blade’s Season One “Seize the Crown” Starts This Fall: 2:20
Conqueror’s Blade announced that Seasons will be coming to the game beginning in Fall 2019. These limited-time events will offer a new dimension to the free-to-play tactical MMO. Season One: Seize the Crown will be the first of these events, complete with battle pass and in-game challenges that will unlock exclusive legendary items including king-themed cosmetics. This first season will be heralded by a Pre-Season update which has a ton of improvements, features, and fixes to improve the overall gameplay experience. The user interface has been revamped with menus and interfaces that are more intuitive and accessible. For the first time, all weapons will be made available to all players regardless of gender. This will bring the total number of weapon and gender combinations up to 20. There are also some graphical enhancements and a handful of new cinematics.
Black Desert on Xbox One Receives Archer/Kamasylvia Update: 3:09
On a similar note, a new update hit Black Desert Online for Xbox One this week, adding the Archer class and the Kamasylvia region to the game. In addition to this, Black Desert Online will be free to play for Xbox Live Gold members from the 15th through the 18th, and bundles will be on sale for 50% off. There are also some limited time events beginning this week such as gathering ingredients for alchemy and the Archer Seals event which both grant fantastic rewards. The in-game photography contest has also begun, granting players a chance to win some Xbox gift cards. There’s even a new Fairy companion named Lalia who has several skills that can aid you on your quest.
Ring of Elysium Launches Season 5: Battlecar Rises: 3:47
Ring of Elysium Season 5 “Battlecar Rises” began on Wednesday this past week! The new season brings new armored vehicles to the game, each equipped with its own unique devices. Players can transform standard cars into these armored Battlecars, like the all-terrain vehicle with rocket boosters. The armored truck features a machine-gun turret. The compact-car has stealth features, and the mini SUV features a recon radar. Finally, the SUV is equipped with a scorpion pulverizer, which sounds the coolest, that’s for sure, the only thing that would probably top that would be a mini van with an ion cannon… that’s my vote. There’s also a new explosive weapon in the RPG-7, which is able to counter these armored vehicles. Keep that in mind. The new battle pass for season 5 features a trio of new characters: Edmund, Friday, and Alice that players can unlock. Edmund, a legendary mountaineer has been lured to Europa Island with the challenge of climbing the Cliff of Despair. Originally an intelligence service robot created by Echelon, Friday came to Europa Island to search for his missing friend. As the owner of the newest bar on Europa, Alice arrived alongside Friday. Not all that she seems, Alice secretly is an energy expert investigating an ancient civilization on Europa with Friday. ‘Battlecar Rises’ also introduces new gameplay options with the addition of respawn points. Players will be able to revive their fallen teammates at single-use stations located throughout the island. Seems like a necessary update in such a competitive game genre, its cool either way.
Apex Legends: Iron Crown Event Begins: 5:19
And since we’re on the topic of Battle Royale, The Iron Crown Collection event has begun in Apex Legends and it’s time to fight for your right to rule! This event features a limited time solo mode and unique cosmetics waiting to be unlocked! There’s even a special axe that can only be unlocked after unlocking all the cosmetics in the event, but doing so could prove to be an expensive proposition.
Chess Rush Adds New 4v4 Mode: 5:41
Tencent’s Chess Rush received a new update this week, with the addition of “Squad Clash 4v4” mode coming to the game. This mode will allow players to team up with three of their friends to battle other teams of four around the world. Chess Rush is the first auto battler with a 4v4 mode, and also has other new features, such as teammate reinforcement to make gameplay fresh for their fans. When playing in a team in 4v4 mode, players will be able to bolster their teammates with the teammate reinforcement feature, creating unique opportunities for players and their party members to make strategic and tactical moves in order to take out their opponents. I’m not really up with all the new auto chess games but it seems like this could spice things up a bit… maybe?
Elsword: Volume 3 of RE:BOOT and New Dungeon: 6:23
Elsword’s major “RE:BOOT” update received its third volume this past week which adds Aisha Raven Add, and Laby reworks to the game! Laby doesn’t get a new move for each Job Path however since she’s the latest character and its kinda already done for her. In addition, we also see the new ominous Demon Realm Rigomor, which has arrived. A familiar gateway will lead the El Search Party to the Demon Realm. This coming weekend (August 17-18) will also have triple experience, unlimited stamina, and double the drop rate! Players can also earn daily, weekly and limited-time rewards during the Character Reboot Events, from today until August 27th. Special Amethysts and other materials can be used to refine the new end-game Amethystine Prophecy Armor Sets. The Reforged sets will have increased stats and Reforge effects, based on the Reforge Stage.
Elsword Online: RE:BOOT Discussion with GMs Moshup and Rush
Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker Preview: 7:37
MMOHuts Jason actually had a chance to sit down with GMs Moshup and Rush from Elsword to talk about the ongoing Re:BOOT event! Jason and GM Rush run dungeons while the three of them talk everything from the current PVP scene and the new dungeon to the new Re:BOOT updates themselves! You can check out the full video interview over on our website, MMOHuts.com via the link in the description. While you’re there, check out our coverage on the Scalebreaker expansion for Elder Scrolls Online! Jason sat down with Rich Lambert, the creative director of ESO along with their Lead Dungeon Designer and Lead UI designer to talk about one of the two new dungeons coming with the update.
The FFXIV Moonfire Faire that’s begun. Jason streamed the whole event!: 7:53
Final Fantasy XIV’s Moonfire Faire event is live! Running until August 26th, players who are level 30 or higher can participate in this event to earn fantastic prizes including a kiddie pool, wind chime stand, and other unique cosmetics! To begin, you need to visit the Limsa Lominsa docks and chat with the NPC named Mayaru Moyaru. If you feel lost, check out our livestream VOD of the event. Jason completed the entire quest chain and you can use this as a guide.
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