Recent Game Profiles, Articles, and other Contributions
- ArcheAge: Unchained Review – Is P2W Dead?
- I’ve spent the past couple of weeks playing almost nothing but ArcheAge: Unchained in my spare time. But how is it?
- SMITE God Review – Yemoja, God of the Rivers
- Can you hear that bell in the distance? It’s the “We have a new guardian” alarm, and I began ringing it the moment Yemoja debuted.
- Rise of Kingdoms Review
- The “City Building/RTS Mobile Game” genre is a deep pool, and it’s hard to make a splash in it. Does this one standout?
- Elder Scrolls Online: Dragonhold Guided Tour
Jason spent some time with the Zenimax developers for Elder Scrolls Online for the Dragonhold DLC.
- Astellia Online Review
- It’s a hard lot for MMOs these days, and Astellia Online is no exception. Jason explores this new world.
- Caravan Stories Review: Minefield of Microtransactions
- Caravan Stories is a Japanese mobile game that came to America in the form of a PS4 port. But just how "mobile" is it?
- RuneScape Developer Interview – RuneFest 2019
- While I was at RuneFest 2019, I had the opportunity to interview the developers behind RuneScape and Old School RuneScape.