MMO Weekly Recap #439 Jan 22nd – Apex Legends Season 8 Mayhem, TERA Patch 102, and More!
JamesBl0nde recaps the MMO gaming news for the week of January 22, 2021! Transcript follows.
Vindictus hauls in a new 4 on 4 draft style PvP mode, Gameforge is ready to dish out monthly updates for Tera, Rocket League teams up with X games on a new collaboration, and come on Fortnite, at least buy me dinner first before taking all my money for skins!
What’s good everyone, JamesBl0nde here with the weekly recap for gaming news and announcements for the week of January 22nd 2021 and starting out the news this week, I was wondering,
Has there ever been a time where a skin made you want to play a game you normally wouldn’t? Well that was my reaction this week when I saw that Predator had joined Fortnite! That’s right, the Chapter Two Season Five battlepass in the popular battle royale has added an outfit so that you can dress up like the Predator, along with a few other Predator themed items. Not only that but one day later they revealed another on of my favorite characters of all time, the t-800, cyberdyne systems model 101, the terminator! Literally my two favorite characters of all time, on any form of media! Honestly haven’t played much Fortnite aside from the early days but this is the closest I’ve ever been to picking it up again, that’s for sure.
Now that, that’s out of the way more battle royale news Respawn Entertainment is wondering if you’re ready to cause some Mayhem, as they’ve just revealed new info about Apex Legend’s upcoming Season 8. The new Legend in this upcoming season is Fuse, who’s method is all about blowing stuff up without a plan. The season will also bring in the 30-30 Repeater, a reshaped King’s Canyon, and of course a new battle pass. The new season is scheduled to launch on February 2nd and I’m sure we’ll have even more details to share with you then.
Gameforge is promising monthly updates for TERA, after recently taking over its publishing, and this week it’s launched its first monthly update, Patch 102. This update opens a few new dungeons – the Catalepticon, Ruinous Manor, and Gossamer Vault – while a few older dungeons have closed their doors. Players can collect the new Kaia’s Soul Gear, which can be snagged by upgrading the Kaia’s Wisdom or Kaia’s Fury set. The update also includes reworked battle rewards, improved leveling from 65 to 70, and many other quality of life changes meant to help get TERA on the right start for 2021.
And speaking of the new year, World of Warships has rolled out its latest update, focusing on Commander Skills and Lunar New Year events. This year’s Lunar New Year event includes combat missions, daily shipments, themed ships, Commanders, and themed containers. New patches and flags join the ways you can celebrate, along with an update to the look of the Dragon Port. The update also has adjusted skills for commanders, making skills more specialized for each type of ship, adding more total skill points and a new skill recommendation system.
In other news Nexon is definitely keeping Vindictus alive with a new patch this week that introduces the Mag Mell Arena. This PvP mode is a 4v4 draft-style mode, in which each team can select from a roster of 16 randomly selected champions before entering. The battlefield has two lanes and grants points for enemy champions based on their tier; the first team to 30 points wins. The update also includes new bonding levels for Kael and more so check out the full patch notes linked in the description.
Meanwhile Destiny 2 rolled out a small update this week that included a new Harbinger activity, allowing players to earn catalysts and random rolls to help fine tune their Hawkmoon weapon. Alongside this, Bungie’s stated in a blog post that they intend to make Seasonal content stick around longer so there’s less fear of missing out, and that Umbral Engrams and the Prismatic Recaster will be returning permanently. Sounds like there’s some serious commitment to keeping the game’s quality of life high this year.
Rocket League is teaming up with the X Games this weekend as they launch a new collaboration. New items will be in the shop from January 21st through 24th and from January 28th through 31st. Both weekends will also have two free banners to claim: the X-Skis Player Banner and X-Board Player Banner. Not only that, but Rocket League Esports will be an official X Games event this year – pretty nuts. Make sure to log in to claim your loot and tune in to watch the games.
As we wind down for the weekend, I just want to give a heads up that Ghost Recon Breakpoint is hosting a free weekend on PC, running until January 24th. You can play the game and even take part in the ongoing 10-day event, Operation Amber Sky. Keep in mind it’s going to be a big download so if you want in, get that download going ASAP.
And finally let’s check in on the Epic Games Store to see that the free game of the week is . . . Galactic Civilizations 3! This is a 4X style strategy game from Stardock that originally released in 2015. Just note that the free version available this week does not include any of the many DLCs or expansions, but its still a nice one to grab for the price of free.
But with that said, that’s about it for all the major news and announcements for this week. Be sure to stay safe, and keep your families healthy! Like always you can find more information on the news topics, linked in the description below, feel free to discuss the news or even more news in the comments below and don’t forget to like, subscribe, wash your hands a bunch, hit that little bell icon to get notifications and of course share this video! But until next time guys that’s going to be it for me… I’m JamesBl0nde… see ya out there gamers!
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