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Smite Interview with Todd Harris

Smite Interview with Todd Harris

JamesBl0nde interviews Todd Harris COO of Hi-Rez Studios once again discussing the changes to Smite over the past year, its direction in esports and whats in the near future!

SMITE Trivia for Exclusive Kali Skin!

Enter for your chance to win an exclusive PAX 2013 Kali Skin! To qualify you must PM all four questions’ correct answers on our forum to DizzyPW ( prior to 9am PST on Thursday, March 28th!

1. Which god or goddess was featured for Smite’s 2012 PAX skin?
2. What mythological creature was used for Smite’s practice mode in the early beta of the game?
3. Who is Ares lover?
4. How many skins does Ra currently have and what are their names?

Check out the full rules and feel free to leave us a comment on our promotions official post below!
And don’t forget to like the video because the more likes we get, the more bonus Kali skins HiRez is going to send us to give out!

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