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Skyforge Expansion, ‘Demonic Dawn’ Arrives on Playstation 4

A new expansion is coming today to the MMORPG developed by Allods, Skyforge on PS4, entitled Demonic Dawn. A mighty creature from beyond our reality, NIhaz has come to Aelion and has brought a massive army of demonic creatures with him. His armies are composed of creatures that can reside in astral, a pestilent atmosphere that is the disease of space itself. Large quantities of astral can be manipulated to change reality. Unfortunately, the demonic armies don’t use it to create, but rather to “infect” and erode the existences of Aelion. The Immortals must stop the terraforming of their world in the opening weeks of the expansion, and do battle with commanders of the demon armies in four unique dungeons. Later in this invasion, a new 10-man raid will open up, where players can make their way to Nihaz himself.

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