Lagoonia prepares tropical Easter egg hunt

InnoGame’s new browser game, Lagoonia, is prepared to celebrate Easter.
Players will be able to find colorful eggs hidden along with resources on their islands. These eggs can be collected for one week, and let players construct special limited edition decorative buildings to add some spring festivity to their island.
Lagoonia focuses on building relationsihps between players and the NPC characters, and lets players build a fun island that offers warmth, fishing, lighthouses, and even waterslides.
InnoGames also publishes Forge of Empires and Tribal Wars.
Lagoonia Gameplay Screenshot
Lagoonia Celebrates the Season with a Tropical Twist
InnoGames launches Easter special event for the new browser title
Hamburg, April 5, 2012. In the spirit of this Easter season, today InnoGames has hidden multi-colored eggs throughout the islands of the new browser game, Lagoonia. This festive new resource can be used to construct limited edition decorative buildings that spruce up a player’s personal paradise.
Several colored eggs are hidden in locations where other resources can be found on each player’s island. The unique Easter buildings require a varying number of specific colors, so the more found, the better! The hunt for eggs will last one week, but islanders have an additional week to finish their buildings. More information on the holiday event can be found in the Lagoonia Forum.
The focus of Lagoonia is onthe relationships between characters and players. One can plan and create many things that make the island livable and fun: from a warm fire and a cozy shelter, to useful fish nets, and later in the game lighthouses and waterslides. The game is free and no download is required – the only technical requirements are a browser and an internet connection.
With about 75 million registered players, InnoGames is one of the world’s leading developers and providers of online games. The Hamburg-based company has scored major successes with games such as Tribal Wars, The Westand Grepolis.
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