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Hearthstone ‘The Boomsday Project’ Card Reveals Have Begun

Hearthstone -Boomsday Project Card Reveal VOD -image

Ten incredible cards were revealed yesterday during a livestream by Hearthstone‘s new expansion, ‘The Boomsday Project’  via their Twitch Channel. Peter Whalen and Brian Kibler volunteered to be the new Boom Labs interns and show off these exciting new cards. In this list were two Legendary cards: The Hero Card for the Warrior Class – Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, and the Paladin Legendary spell, Kangor’s Endless Army. They also have a schedule posted below, where you can see the schedule of revealed cards. For those who simply cannot wait, The Boomsday Project will have Pre-Release events at special Fireside Gatherings. Players will be able to open any packs they have from the upcoming expansion early and play with them in unique Fireside Brawls. That means players will be able to open the packs they pre-purchased, as well as any others they may have earned via Tavern Brawls or other events. More info on local Pre-Release events is available here.

If you’d like to check out that VOD and see the currently revealed cards, you can do so at this link.

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