Allods Online: Undaunted Now Live

Allods Online, published by gpotato, has released its latest update: Undaunted. To celebrate, all players will receive a gift box containing 100 to 1000 cash shop currency.
The game has revamped the starting areas, removing the fatigue system and making enemies easier to slay. Two new classes — Elven Psionicist and Xadaganian mage — are being added for players as well. High level players will be set to conquer the new zone, Kingdom of Elements, and the dungeon Mausoleum of Sparks, which introduces a survival mode challenge. The players who last the longest receive permanent rewards to show off.
PvP in the game has also been improved with a matchmaking system players can use to queue from anywhere. Extensive decoration options for Astral ships and pet dance routines are also some of the changes being made.
gpotato also publushes Rappelz and AIKA Online.
Allods Online Gameplay Screenshot
Allods Online: Undaunted Now Live!
Free Giveaway Welcomes All Players to Enjoy Remastered Starting Zones, New Survival Mode, and More
Sunnyvale, California – October 12, 2011 At last, the newest update for AAA MMORPG Allods Online has arrived! Players in both North America and Europe can now dive into Allods Online: Undaunted and get the first taste of the greatly anticipated survival mode, powerful new classes, and enhanced new player experience. To celebrate, publisher gPotato is giving away boxes of Gem Shards (Boutique Coins in Europe), an alternative Item Shop currency, to each and every Allods player!
The gift boxes contain anywhere from 100 to 1000 gPotatos ($1.00/€1.00 to $100/€100) and will be distributed to all existing accounts on October 12. New accounts made after October 12 will be given one Box of Gem Shards once a character on the account has reached level 20. Get that hat or mount feed you’ve always wanted without paying a cent! Or try out the newly introduced Hall of Changes to revitalize an old character with a new hair style, skin tone, and even gender.
Allods Online: Undaunted has a lot to offer for both new and high-level players, starting with changes to the new player experience which make it easier than ever to enjoy the MMORPG that’s been embraced by over 3.5 million players worldwide. The removal of the fatigue system and adjustments to enemies’ health makes leveling faster but takes none of the bite out of Allods’ famously tough monsters. There’s also a new zone for Imperial players levels 5-6, and two new classes – an Elven psionicist and Xadaganian mage – for both factions to master.
Players at the highest levels will have plenty to enjoy in the Mausoleum of Sparks, a brand new dungeon that introduces a survival mode to Allods Online. The players who kill the most monsters and survive the longest will receive permanent rewards to show off their status! Train to compete in the new zone, Kingdom of Elements, which sports the toughest monsters Allods has ever seen, or practice PvP in the Arena of Death with its improved, join-from-anywhere matchmaking system and always-open schedule.
Allods Online: Undaunted also has its light-hearted side: among the changes coming with this update are extensive interior decorations for Astral ships and new dance routines for pets of the warden and summoner. Join the fun today at the official sites for North America and Europe!
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