Street Fighter V
Street Fighter V is the latest installment of the legendary fighting game series from Capcom. Featuring a new battle system, new visuals and returning characters. Street Fighter V will be the most competitive Street Fighter game yet. Available on PC and PS4, with crossplay.
► Master the new V-skills which gives unique attack attributes to each character, V-reversals that give unique countetrattacks using the V-Gauge and the V-triggers that use up the entire V-Gauge.
►Perform your character’s ultimate attack to inflict massive damage.
►Play as long time veteran characters including Ryu and Chun-li, or embrace retuning Street Fighter Alpha characters including Nash (Charlie) or Birdie.
Unlock new characters for in game cash or purchase Zenny for real money. Cosmetic unlocks for Zenny also available. Lootboxes.
Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition offers unlocked characters from Character Pass 1 and 2, as well as a new arcade mode, unlockable illustration gallery, team battle mode, extra battle mode, new v-triggers, and updated visuals.
- Status: Released
- Release Date: Feb 16, 2016
- Business Model: Retail
- Developer: Capcom
- Publisher: Capcom
- Category: Stand-alone
- Genre(s): 3D, Fighting
- Platforms: PC, Steam, PS4
Editor's Score: 5/5- Recommended System Requirements:
- OS: Windows 7 64-bit and above
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K @3.50GHz or AMD FX-9370
- RAM: 8 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R7 370
- Description: Street Fighter V is the latest installment of the legendary fighting game series from Capcom. Featuring a new battle system, new visuals and returning characters. Street Fighter V will be the most competitive Street Fighter game yet.
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