Mythos Gameplay – First Look HD May 2011
To Learn More about the game check out ourMythos Page.
Mythos is a 3D fantasy MMORPG published by Frogster – the same company behind Runes of Magic. Mythos was developed by many of the same people who worked on Diablo 2, which is why the two games are remarkably similar. Like Battle of the Immortals from Perfect World Entertainment, Mythos has the whole “Diablo 2” action-rpg feel to it. Like Fortune Online and other action MMORPGs, Mythos is trying to recreate the fun of D2. Those who enjoyed Diablo 2, should definitely give Mythos a try. To learn more about Mythos, check out the official MMOHuts Mythos page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.
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