Fantasy Earth Zero Gameplay – First Look HD
To Learn More About the Game, Check out our Fantasy Earth Zero Page.
Fantasy Earth Zero is a 3D action oriented Fantasy MMORPG published by GamePot USA – the same folks behind Bright Shadow and Mir 2. The game was originally developed by Fenix Soft in Asia and distributed by Square Enix. It was also originally a pay to play game, but is now free to play. The game boasts massive 50 vs 50 battles between the game’s various factions as well as unique action oriented gameplay. The game went into open beta on March 3 2010. In the video above, I logged into my Scout and fought in two battles. I unfortunately didn’t do so well in either one. To learn more about Fantasy Earth Zero check out the official MMOHuts Fantasy Earth Zero page, which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.
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