Shotgun News 12/11: ESO, EVE, Camelot Unchained, and More!

Elder Scrolls Online Launch Date Announced
The launch date for the eagerly anticipated Elder Scrolls Online from ZeniMax has been given a release date. That date for PC and Mac is April 4th 2014 and will be a worldwide release. While Playstation 4 and Xbox One fans will have to wait until June before they get their hands on the game. And as if the news weren’t already exciting enough a new video has been released showing off the massive PvP system.
EVE Community Raises $190,890 in PLEX for GOOD Charity Drive
During EVE’s recent community charity drive to help those in the Philippines who still need help after Typhoon Haiyan over 1,000 years of playtime was donated to raise $190,890.
Mark Jacobs Explains His Absence in New Video
If you’ve been wondering where why Mark Jacobs hasn’t been seen since around the end of the Kickstarter for Camelot Unchained today he’s back to explain where he’s been. During the video he explains that he has been undergoing treatment for skin cancer. See it all in the video below. And those of us at OnRPG wish Mark a speedy recovery.
R2 Announces Alpha for New MMORPG Title
R2 has a new title called Blade Hunter which will go into Alpha on Thursday December 12th at 10am EST. It is being called a beat ‘em up MMORPG and action-packed. More information on how to get into the Alpha can be found on the official website and social media.
Dynasty Warriors to Shutdown in North America
Aeria has announced that Dynasty Warriors would no longer be operating in North America after January 10th. For the final month all AP spent on DWO will be returned to players within the final days. The Dynasty Warriors team is also working on something special to see the game out.
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