Ryzom introduces unlimited free-to-play mode

Ryzom has announced a new “free to play” mode, allowing players to enjoy the game without a time or place limit.
New accounts will be treated as free trial accounts, with a maximum level of 125 in all skills, and the inability to own mektoub packers, use apartment inventory, or withdraw items from guild halls. Once the maximum skill level is reached, a player will no longer earn experience in the skill. These restrictions are permanent until a player purchases a subscription.
Ryzom is published by Winch Gate.
Ryzom Gameplay Screenshot
On Wednesday, March 9 between 09:00 and 11:00 GMT, the servers will be brought down for the implementation of patch 1.11.0.
This patch brings the following:
New Free Trial System
We are pleased to announce that from now on, players that create a new account can play Ryzom without time or place limits. Instead, free trial accounts are now limited to a maximum level of 125 in all different skills, enabling everyone to sample all aspects of Ryzom and to discover what makes this MMO unique. When you reach level 125 in a skill you can still continue playing, but you will gain no more experience points. The second limitation is storage: you cannot own any mektoub packers, use the inventory of your apartment or take any items from a guild hall.
Despite the freedom of this new system, we would like to remind you that Ryzom can only live on through your paid subscriptions. Thank you for the confidence you have in us.
New Zoraï enemy to fight: “Pei-Ruz the Rotten”
The Marauders’ thirst for vengeance continues to grow. After Dante the Teaser, a new enemy makes his appearance. Although his camp has not yet been discovered, it is rumored that Pei-Ruz the Rotten wants you to experience the most terrible suffering. Homins should expect a fight.
If you want a sneak preview of this new marauder, log in on Wednesday, 9 March at 00:00 GMT. More info…
New Roleplay Event Sequence “Tears of the Emperor”
Dexton, Emperor of the Burning Desert, is gravely ill and the Fyros are working with the Zoraïs to save him. Will they succeed to restore him to health and to restore him to power in the Desert? Dare the Matis take advantage of this temporary weakening of their old enemy? And how will the people of the late Governor Still Wyler enter into the balance?
These are just some questions that you will be faced with in the coming weeks. This sequence will provide large-scale interactions between the homin peoples of Atys. More than ever, your actions have an impact on the future of the bark.
But beware, any victory is deserved! To save the camp you choose, you must do better than others, but also do it faster! Because it is a race against time that just started… A race where the stakes will shape the face of the Atys of tomorrow…
An event in this sequence will be held on 14 March at 00:00 GMT.
Other changes:
– The visual quality of characters has been improved.
– Mektoub mounts can now store 3 times as much.
– Other small changes you will discover by yourself.
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