N.E.O Online reveals more game information

More information has been revealed about N.E.O Online, the newest MMO from PlayOMG. N.E.O. Online will be played with a class-free design. The game will offer double-seated mounts, pets, monster collecting, titles, and even a SD “bobble-head” mode. Monster collecting allows players to take a more passive route in their adventuring by capturing monsters and returning them to researchers instead of fighting and killing them.
N.E.O Online’s closed beta begins on February 8th.
New N.E.O Online Screens:
The Original Press Release:
New game publisher PlayOMG has announced more game information of their latest free-to-play MMORPG, N.E.O Online. Along with its innovative chaos mode and fair stone system, N.E.O Online presents players with versatile gaming possibilities due to its class-free design and rich game systems. Players’ each action can influence and change the world of N.E.O. Orders may rule just for now, while chaos lurks at the same time.
When adventurers travel though the unknown lands and reveal stories behind each region, titles and fame will be awarded. Troubadours around the world would chant for the brave deeds and incredible achievements. For those who prefer a peaceful life rather than battles, monster collecting is another way to increase your fame. By using capturing nets, you can bring back monsters to assist local scholars’ research.
Of course, adventure is always much more fun and easier when you have companions. In N.E.O Online, players can enjoy traveling with rides and battling with helpful pets. Rides have different travel speed and level restrictions. Double-seats rides are also available. As for battle-assisting pets, each has unique skills such as healing to provide instant support.
Besides changing the world of N.E.O with via battle actions, you can actually change the game view as well. By switching to the unique SD mode, players get to see everything and everyone in hilarious huge head proportions. Even boss monsters will become so cute that you might take a screenshot with it!
N.E.O Online beta test will begin soon on February 8th. Game trailers and more introductions will be updated on N.E.O official websites. Stay tuned for the latest information and beta test events!
Versatile gaming possibilities in N.E.O Online provide more fun and personal style for players to enjoy.
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