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World of Tanks: Mercenaries Plans to Invade Chicago’s Cantigny Park for Fan Event

World of Tanks: Mercenaries rolls on by taking over Chicago’s Cantigny Park on September 15th, 2018 for a gigantic fan event for the console version of the Wargaming hit. Wargaming will host multiple gaming stations at the park where attendees can jump into over 690 different metal monsters from over 10 nations and duke it out on Mercenaries’ digital battlefields. Wargaming West, which is based in Chicago will host special presentations during the event, and players can look forward to a greater insight on the development process, chat with the creators of the games, and possibly get a sneak peek at upcoming Mercenaries content. The Cantigny Park gathering will also offer something special to those in attendance! In-game codes and merchandise will be given out to fans and visitors throughout the event via raffles, giveaways, and in-game competitions, so attendees should keep an eye and ear open. If that weren’t enough, visitors can also take private tours of the newly-redesigned First Division Museum, which is a fixture of Cantigny Park. These tours will offer an exciting opportunity to check out a collection of real-world tanks, including the M41A3 Walker Bulldog, the M46 Patton, the T26E4 Pershing and many more.

Wargaming is planning a day packed with fun activities for the whole family, including races, tank-themed sporting events, an obstacle course, a tank building and coloring station for children, and an area where you can decorate a cardboard tank. Outdoor activities are dependant upon the weather, but our fingers are firmly crossed for sunshine and blue skies! The first 200 people to confirm their attendance at the player gathering will receive some special Wargaming goodies and in-game codes. To RSVP to this event, the link is below. For anyone who can’t make the event, there will be social media contests and giveaways through the Wargaming social channels throughout the gathering. Enter to win using the hashtag #WargamingCantigny.

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