World of Tanks Trailer Mocks Racing MMOs
To Learn More About the Game, Check out our World of Tanks Page.
The hotly anticipated World War 2 era shooting game World of Tanks finally entered closed beta testing today. To celebrate the occasion, and to squeeze in another chance to mock other MMO genres, the folks responsible for WoT have released another teaser trailer. This time the video starts with several sports cars racing around a forested area. Eventually, one of the cars crashes into a tank that drives up to the middle of the road. Several other tanks appear and an exciting battle takes place. This is the fourth such video released with previous ones mocking World of Warcraft and Eve Online. This one is a bit less specific, but my bet is that the target was Need for Speed World which recently went into open beta testing. To learn more about World of Tanks check out the official MMOHuts World of Tanks page which includes additional information, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.
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