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Super Dungeon Bros. Goes Free-to-Play on Steam until Jan 25th

Get ready to raid some dungeons! Super Dungeon Bros is Free-to-Play on Steam until January 25th. This is to celebrate the anticipated Idols DLC release, and also brings with it a 75% discount for the base game and current DLC, whilst also coinciding with the release of new content for the brawler. A number of improvements across all platforms have also been instituted to improve matchmaking. The Idols DLC which launches today brings with it not only cosmetic enhancements for your Bros and Broettes but also a whole new way to play with the Idols weapon class:

Add to your arsenal with new devastating ranged weapons that are worth worshipping. Control the enemy crowd by cursing, chilling, summoning and enveloping your enemies. In addition to the power of the Idols, unlock 8 more bro-tastic helmets and an all new Ultimate.”

Get ready to aid the Gods of Rock with this rowdy band of Heavy Metal Heroes!

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