Lord of the Rings Online launches November update

The Lord of the Rings Online has launched its November update, making the first major update since it went free to play.
The new update adds a lot for free players, opening up all the expansion areas for free (quest packs still cost, but epic quests can still be completed) and raising the free level cap to 65.
In addition, the dwarf and elf starting area has been redesigned, as has the vault and crafting UI. Lore-masters and Rune-keepers have also been improved in a few ways.
LOTRO is published by Turbine, which also publishes Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Lord of the Rings Online Gameplay Screenshot
Today, Turbine announced the release of the newest content update for The Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO). The November Update brings in the holidays with more free content and a wide range of additions and improvements, giving players access to more quests, content and adventure than ever before, including:
- More Free Content! Players can now play the epic story in Moria, Lothlórien and Mirkwood all the way to level 65
- Improved Skills & Traits for the Lore-master & Rune-keeper
- Updated Elf & Dwarf starter regions
- Updates to the Crafting System and Vault UI
· A completely new Yule Festival set in Winter-home that will go live in December
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