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Guns & Robots: New zombie event coming soon

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Guns & Robots

Masthead Studios announced today new event featuring zombies in their free to play online shooter Guns and Robots, starting next week.

Zombiestein is an event inspired by the zombie phenomenon that will start on Monday, 24th of November and will run till Sunday, 30th of November. Players can look forward the new update to transform them into zombies, get new objectives and prizes that will provoke team-based tactics and decisions.
By a random principle one of the team members is infected by a zombie virus and becomes a zombie. The infected zombie objective is to collect spare zombie parts throughout the map and leave them on special locations before time runs out. Other players in the team have to protect the zombie from being killed in order their mission to be successful.
This event gives all team members equal share of prizes to win as all of the victorious team will receive for their efforts an epic color for their robots and sufficient amount of sparks or a zombie head.

For more info, visit

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