Guns of Icarus 1.4.1 Introduces Stamina and More
Guns of Icarus‘ latest patch, 1.4.1, has brought some important new changes for players.
A key feature among these changes is a new stamina system. Stamina helps grant additional unique abilities to each role on the ship, allowing them to boost their efficiency as they work. Stamina refills naturally over time and refills whenever the ship gets a kill. Stamina bonuses are:
– Pilot: +125% ship thrust , -20% longitudinal drag, +150% climb force, +150% descent force, -20% vertical drag, +15% angular drag.
– Gunner: -25% reload time, +30% rotation speed, +20 degrees yaw arcs (not percent!), +40% pitch arcs
– Engineer: +85% movement speed and jump height
The patch also introduced Steam Workshop creator revenue sharing, new GameGrumps voice packs, and adjustments to the match system. Full patch notes are here.
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