Wildstar: Carbine reveals “Voyage of the Nomad” Lore Story
Many have played Wildstar and have probably thought to themselves – “Nexus is a pretty crazy place, how did it all start?”.
Well Carbine Studios has released a WildStar story page that will introduce its first entry – Voyage of the Nomad. This short story recollects the tale of the Cassians’ first steps into the vast world of deep-space exploration, and the wonders (and horrors) that met these brave citizens of Cassus.
Moving forward, every two weeks on Tuesday at 10 am PDT, a new entry will be entered into the story page and its timeline of events until all 11 tales have been told. The stories will unfold chronologically, until they reach the events that players have already experienced in WildStar’s main story.
The first entry in WildStar’s story page can be read here: http://wildstar-online.com/en/stories/. Be sure to tune in to this lore hub to keep learning more about WildStar’s story.
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