Luvinia Online officially launches

Luvinia Online’s open beta has come to a close, and the game has begun its official launch today, complete with the launch of the game’s Item Store.
All characters and data from open beta are rolled into the official launch, and open beta event winners will be announced and rewarded soon. No player has yet hit the level cap of 78, leaving the race still open for players pushing to make it before Outspark releases another update to raise the level cap and introduce the second-level subclasses. Meanwhile, the game’s Item Store will offer costumes, mounts, and boosts for leveling and gear upgrades.
Outspark also publishes Secret of the Solstice (Solstice: Reborn) and Fiesta Online.
Luvinia Online Gameplay Screenshot
Luvinia Online Launches
The stars now shine brightly though the darkness is all around
SAN FRANCISCO – September 22, 2011 – Luvinia Online, the new fantasy MMORPG from Outspark, the destination for MMO gamers, is proud to announce that Luvinia Online has finished its open beta with the opening of the Item Store to players as it launches into commercial service.With the opening of Item Store, players will have access to a variety of premium items that are used to upgrade their gear, dress up in outrageously awesome costumes, reign in some eye-catching mounts, and level up even faster. These items are all available in the new Store and can be bought using Outspark’s special currency, SparkCash. These premium items also come in a variety of durations and price points in order to cater to different players’ tastes.
“We had a great open beta and everything is coming along as expected for this exceptional MMORPG,” gushed Philip Yun, CEO of Outspark. “We thank all of the players that helped out with the closed and open betas and are happy that we can finally bring the full experience of Luvinia Online to our large and eager player base.”
All characters, items and equipment from open beta will be kept and rolled over to the commercial launch of the game. Winners from open beta events will be announced and awarded with top honors.
The race is still on to see who can reach the maximum level (78) first, where players can continue to experience the end game dungeons, quests, and loot to raise in stature. Players in the open beta have already been praising all the content in the game, and Luvinia Online is poised to continue delivering the same quality entertainment with plans in motion to raise the level cap in the near future. This level cap raise will also open up the second-level subclasses to players, making over 20 classes available in the game.
Check out all the news and events on the new Luvinia Website (, comment on the forums (, and follow Luvinia Online on Facebook ( and Twitter (< /A> ).
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