4Story M: Flying Dragon Arrows Chapter 6 & 7 Released

emi Interactive, Inc., Korea’s leading MMORPG developer and service provider of a famous free to play MMO “4Story” and “Travia2” has announced today Chapter 6 and 7 are now officially released. Chapter 6 and 7 will have a sky castle feel or sky garden from 4Story. As the chapter main image suggests, the background image of the following missions will be as such.
Along with the new update, there will be free premium points for watching some ad videos. Now players can watch some video and earn some points needed for them to upgrade their gears making it a truly.
And last and definitely not the least, stay on a look out for those new giant boss monsters that will be looking down from way above the players height to smash them to pieces with its giant paw!
For more info, visit https://play.google.com/store/
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