MMOHuts Weekly Recap #74 Feb 19 – Rusty Hearts, Perfect World, Tactical Intervention, & More
A quick look and discussion for every major announcement and update during the week! This week we discussed updates from the following games: Rusty Hearts, War Inc, Seven Souls Online, Allods Online, Requiem, Perfect World, Forsaken World, Tactical Intervention, Brawl Busters and Eligium. The biggest news this week is the huge content updates for both Perfect World and Allods Online, arguably two of the most popular F2P MMORPGs. The updates for both games provide higher level caps, new items and gear, group dungeons as well as Raid dungeons, class balances and new abilities. All of this content is now available to players. You can view all the individual news articles mention over at the News section.
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- Heroes Charge Launches Massive TV Campaign for the Holidays
- The commercials will air from December 20 through January 23 in the US and run throughout January globally.
- Shakes & Fidget MMORPG Gains New Features
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- Everlight Gets Stable Return
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