Recent Game Profiles, Articles, and other Contributions
- Mortal Online 2 Beta Impressions
- Outfoxed takes a close look at Mortal Online 2, a deep fantasy sandbox MMORPG from Star Vault.
- Final Fantasy XIV Dancer Class Review
- They have style. They have grace. They’ll throw chakrams at your face.
- Entropia Universe 16th Anniversary: Q&A With MindArk
- Entropia Universe is celebrating its 16th anniversary, including a major new update released on February 19.
- Interview with Furuichi Norio (SMT: Liberation Dx2)
- As a long time Shin Megami Tensei fan, I was actually excited for Liberation Dx2 on mobile platforms. Guardedly so, of course.
- Neverwinter: PAX West 2018 Impressions
- Acquisition, Inc. will play a big part of the upcoming Neverwinter update, set to launch sometime in early November.
- Aftercharge: PAX West 2018 Impressions
- There are a few tropes in sci-fi when it comes to robots and humans. Robots are unfeeling; humans are emotional.
- Blackwake Early Impressions
- Do you love pirates? Fancy being a sailor in the Golden Age of sailing?