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Warframe: Veilbreaker Gameplay Trailer

Become the Origin System’s newest savior in Warframe’s latest update, Veilbreaker, live now on all platforms. Step into the boots of legendary Grineer hero Kahl-175 as he makes his triumphant return with an urgent new Quest, a brand new Syndicate, and explosive new armaments. Take on new weekly Kahl-driven Missions as well as Archon Hunts – a new class of Sortie that allows you to tackle old foes with the full might of your Squadmates.

Veilbreaker also includes the stoic warrior of shield and spear, Styanax, the 50th Warframe. In celebration of this important milestone for Warframe’s roster, Styanax is now available free to all Tenno for a limited time. Simply log in before September 21 and instantly wield the might of this mythical hero!

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