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Hearthstone Announces ‘Year of the Dragon’ Game Updates

The Year of the Dragon is coming to Hearthstone, and with it comes a wealth of changes and updates. But what is a Hearthstone Year? This brings in a fresh Standard Format – an updated card set rotation will change the meta, and lead to a variety of new deck types/builds. When the first expansion hits for the year, Journey to Un’goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne and Kobolds & Catacombs will be exclusive to Wild. These cards will be able to be purchased from the online shop, and single-player content from these will also be available. First is that for the first time, the Year of the Dragon will feature a continuous story told across all three expansions.

The first adventure for the year is set to release about a month after the Year of the Dragon begins, and will feature nine all-new playable heroes, each with three Hero Powers and four starting decks. There will also be friendly tavern encounters, multiple game modes and worthwhile rewards, to help the single-player experience evolve. Three cards will also be entering the Hall of Fame (certain Basic/Classic cards that move out of Standard and into Wild, encouraging new strategies to play with/against in Standard. These are Divine Favor, Doomguard, and Naturalize. In addition to these, Baku the Mooneater and Genn Greymane will also move to the Hall of Fame, as will their support cards – Gloom Stag, Black Cat, Glitter Moth, and Murkspark Eel. Players can keep their Hall of Fame cards, and they will be given the full dust value for each one (up to the maximum that could appear in a deck).

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