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Grepolis Launches Sparta vs. Hades Event

Today, InnoGames boosts its strategy game Grepolis with the release of their new event: Sparta vs. Hades. This macabre ingame experience centers around the god of the underworld himself and his quest to take over Sparta. Interested players can check out the company’s video featuring Game Designer Nils explaining everything they’ll need to know.

In this ghostly adventure, players will have to defeat Hades through a skillful management of their troops. This will make the difference between glorious victory or defeat since each specific unit type has a bonus against another type. Thankfully for players, actions like attacking, defending, constructing buildings and others will guarantee more Spartans joining their army. Grepolis rulers will also have the chance to summon Lysander of Sparta to lead the attack which will bring a 20% combat bonus to their army. The event will give participants the chance to win various rewards and awards including a full culture level and a new hero of war, Agamemnon.

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