Dungeon Fighter Online Weapons Trailer
To Learn More About the Game, Check out our Dungeon Fighter Online Page.
We’re treated to another short promotional video by Nexon for their 2D side-scrolling arcade beat-em-up MMORPG Dungeon Fighter Online. The game has five base classes which are Slayer, Fighter, Priest, Gunner, and Mage. Each of these classes has a number of weapon types at their disposal. Some of these weapons have long reach, others have fast attack rates, and other properties. Players are encouraged to try different typess to see which fits their playstyle best. DFO is very similar to Battle of Destiny, which is a Malaysian MMORPG with the same 2D side-scrolling style. Nexon is best known for MapleStory, another 2D game with brightly colored anime graphics. Other Nexon titles include Mabinogi and Combat Arms. To learn more about Dungeon Fighter Online, check out the official MMOHuts Dungeon Fighter Online page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.
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