WarpPortal Reveals New Logo, Name, & Update for Requiem: Memento Mori

WarpPortal, publishers of Ragnarok Online franchise, have recently acquired development of Requiem: Memento Mori, the terrifying horror MMORPG, and are ready to roll out their first major update and new name “Requiem: Rise of the Reaver,”coming February 19th. More details on Rise of the Reaver update to be revealed live on Twitch.tv/WarpPortal February 14th at 4pm PST.
WarpPortal acquired developmental right for Requiem: Memento Mori, in October of last year and has been hard at work to bring players a new Requiem experience.
Some Rise of the Reaver patch note details:
New Daily Hub
- -Nightmare Crescent has been updated with a new quest hub located near Valdes. To access the daily quest players must finish a story quest from Karen in front of Valdes.
- -28 New Daily Quests.
- -7 New Story Quests.
New World Boss
- -Players will be able to combat the Queen of the Frost Blade Clan, Wintriness. Be warned, only those who fair against the cold will be able to withstand her icy fury.
New Accessories
- -New Accessories aimed at levels 87 and higher can be obtained by defeating Wintriness.
New Xeons and New Compounding Recipes
- -Obtain new Xeons from the Xenon Order Supply Manager Solistia and upgrade them to become an unstoppable Killing Machine!
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