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Remembering Some Legendary MMORPG Games From Over The Years

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Although playing games with no other online players appeals on occasion, and many people simply want to embark on solitary casual adventures, it’s also always fun teaming up with members of a specific community to achieve goals by combat and even to catch fish. The sheer amount of opportunities that can be explored through MMORPG games is what makes them so special. Over the years, we’ve certainly been treated to some magnificent titles from this particular category.

A genre of gaming that so many diehard gamers adore, MMORPG releases are highly competitive and filled with things to do. These days, gamers are inundated with an array of enticing offerings here. From MMORPG games on prominent gaming platforms, such as the PlayStation 5, to leading MMORPG games to play online today, it’s an enticing category that has been shaped by a huge selection of classic titles. In fact, without some of the legendary MMORPG products from yesteryear, it’s a genre of gaming that might not be as strong as it is right now.

Some of the very best MMORPG releases certainly helped to shine a light on the genre. So, with that in mind, let’s take a brief look at some of the most memorable MMORPG releases below.

Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn

At the time, the 2013 release of Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn was one of the most highly anticipated releases of the year. A favored choice for so many MMORPG gamers, this world-famous role-playing game struggled initially after a rather painful launch, though, but it recovered to become one of the best titles of its type. It was extremely fun, the game’s graphics were immaculate, fresh content was regularly added, and the extensive amount of player classes are another important factor behind its undoubted success.

Elder Scrolls Online

If you’ve played Elder Scrolls Online before, then you’ll understand why we’ve included it. A 2014 release that received five-star reviews and wowed the MMORPG gaming community, it goes down as one of the best ever titles from the category. Particularly popular on PC, players can traverse an expansive world, be gripped by the game’s engaging storyline, and enjoy a title with superb gameplay. Overall, Elder Scrolls Online is hard to fault.

World Of Warcraft

We can’t really leave World Of Warcraft out of this particular list, can we? An iconic title from this area, it was first released in 2004 and has managed to become one of the most successful games ever made. The sheer amount of content and the abundance of epic escapades that can be sampled in this MMORPG favorite is what makes it so unforgettable. A competitive environment is also on offer in this all-time classic, with players having to choose between the Horde or Alliance factions. Also offering quests to embark on, looting to do, and like-minded World of Warcraft gamers to join forces with, it’s an entirely understandable favorite.

Star Trek Online

Despite looking dated in today’s gaming-obsessed climate, Star Trek Online is a much-loved release, particularly among the Star Trek community. Released in 2010, players can immerse themselves in the Star Trek universe and play along as a Starfleet officer for the first time ever. For its time, the graphics are impressive, expansion packs and updates add another continual layer of intrigue to the title, and it provides a wonderful escape as Trekkers immerse themselves in a world they know so well.

Special mention must also go to EVE Online, RuneScape, Guild Wars 2, Lord Of The Rings Online, Black Desert Online, Planetside 2, Guild Wars, and Ultima Online.

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