Path of Exile reveals the Shadow

Path of Exile has revealed its sixth character class, the Shadow.
In an exclusive with RockPaperShotgun, the Shadow is revealed as a silent stalker who uses traps, dark magic, and mutilation to silence their enemies forever, execution style. Players will be able to focus on speed, leech the lives of their enemies, freeze his enemies, become more deadly at low life, and more, depending on how they choose to specialize.
Path of Exile will also be hosting a public stress test this weekend from 5pm (Pacific) May 11 until midnight May 13.
Path of Exile Gameplay Screenshot
The Path of Exile servers will be open for public access from 5pm Friday (May 11) to 11:59pm Sunday (May 13), Pacific Daylight Time for our second Public Stress Test Weekend. Our new character class, the Shadow will be available for everyone to play. We look forward to seeing you there!
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