Neverwinter: Fury of the Feywild Now Live

The time is upon us, Neverwinter adventurers. Module 1: Fury of the Feywild, the new content expansion for Neverwinter, is now live! Prepare your adventure party to enter deep within Neverwinter Wood into the new zone of Sharandar. What awaits you? The fomorian king, Malabog, and his forces along with the ever-increasing threat of Valindra Shadowmantle and her dangerous influence. You must also face the formidable Red Caps and other iconic Dungeons & Dragons creatures to keep the elves of Illiyanbruen safe.
Also, there has been many updates and changes to Neverwinter since it went live this past June. Here are just some of the changes and additions to the game:
New Campaign System. Unlock three distinct neighborhoods for Sharandar and be rewarded with some unique items for Neverwinter!
New companion quality upgrade system. Strengthen your most trusted companions by boosting their stats with this new system.
New Feywild Lockbox will be available. Ride a majestic Sylvan Stag and fight along a fearsome Aranea companion today! What other treasures will you unlock? Open one today!
New Professions to master. Fury of the Feywild will introduce Weaponsmithing and Artificing for skilled Profession workers to learn. Weaponsmiths could create some of the best end-game weapons available!
New Call to Arms System. Skirmishes will be more rewarding and more readily available for adventurers of all levels. Look out for any announcements of new Call to Arms Events.
Many balance and gameplay changes based off our players’ invaluable feedback and suggestions.
New arsenal of items inspired by the unique aesthetic of the Feywild.
Updates to the Foundry Editor to include Drag & Drop 3-D editing. Be as creative and imaginative as you want to create the best user-generated content for Neverwinter!
The release of Gauntlgrym, the 20 vs. 20 PvP and PvE Event. Fight to protect your faction’s honor!
And much, much more!
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