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Jade Dynasty: Regenesis Announced

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Perfect World Entertainment has just announced Jade Dynasty’s newest expansion: Regenesis.

Here are the main features coming with Regenesis:

  • New Etherkin race to play as, including two new factions (classes) you can be: the Psychea and Kytos.
  • Sprawling new starting zone. All three races’ starting zones, plus the hub city of New Sunstream, are in the same map.
  • Alliance bases. (Alliances are up to 200+ players.)
  • Reworked starting experience. The starting quests have been reworked to be more engaging, and to showcase the game’s arcane, colorful maps.
  • New instances and updates to old instances.
  • Updated graphics engine, allowing for improved foliage interaction and better lighting on water.

To find out more, check out the latest blog post from the Jade Dynasty team!

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  • Alina

    Amazing. We need many maps and new races