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Fishing Strike Launches Indonesia Update

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Netmarble has announced several updates to Fishing Strike, including a new zone.

This update includes (per press release):

  •  NEW ZONE: INDONESIA – Introducing 104 new types of fish including the Wale Shark, Green Turtle, Betta and more, the new ‘Indonesia’ zone consists of 12 stages of fishing sites including Musi River, Sangiang, Natuna Islands, and more.
  • ENHANCED CASTING EXPERIENCE – The casting experience has been updated. When players cast, the casting gauge fills up. The more accurate the cast, the faster the gauge fills up and allows players to use the Enhanced Fish Finder which locates Special Fish and increases the chances of encountering them.
  • NEW BOAT AND FISHING EQUIPMENT – The update introduces the new Burning Squall Boat and for players who have reached level 85 and above, the Iridium Hurricane Set and Iridium Surge Battle Set are now available. These items allow more realistic gameplay with better stats, a faster boat and new fishing equipment. Players can also collect new functional consumables that spawn more fishes and increase Nibble Chance and Fish Strength.
  • INCREASED LEVEL CAP – The maximum user level has been extended from 90 to 108.  Also, the maximum angler level has been extended from 30 to 36.
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