MMOHuts has partnered with Panoramik to welcome players to the world of Tap Adventure: Time Travel with a Three Rings DLC Pack giveaway!
Tap Adventure: Time Travel is an RPG clicker game in authentic Patch World. A team of heroes starts their journey through thick forests, spooky swamps, dense jungle, gold mines, timeless glaciers, and lifeless wastelands.
This journey will not be easy because the marshes and swamps are inhabited by evil goblins and ogres; vicious predators and wild brownies hide in the forests, and bloodthirsty tribes of natives and baboons fill the jungle. Local inhabitants don’t like intruders: the only way to get past is to fight them!
The Three Rings DLC Pack Includes:
• Three hero rings for new heroes: Champion, Ranger and Priest! If you already have these rings, their level will be increased by 1.
• Get tokens and manacoins to try Mimic and Governor’s Club.
• For a joyous adventure you need trusted friends and some gold! 5 Gratogmorrs and 1 Summon Friend book will help you with that.
• Also, 15 chests and keys will help you to get upgrade your new heroes!
To Redeem your Key:
- Launch the Steam client software and log into your Steam account.
- Click the Games Menu.
- Choose Activate a Product on Steam…
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process.
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Giveaway is no longer active.