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League of Angels II Battle Pet Diamond Pack Giveaway

MMOHuts has partnered with GTArcade to celebrate the arrival of League of Angels II‘s Battle Pet System with a hefty diamond pack to get your pet army on its feet!

League of Angels II Battle Pets

League of Angels II is a new Free to Play MMORPG featuring an innovative battle system that mixes action, strategy, and RPG elements to enable a wide variety of gameplay styles. Supported by great visuals and an epic fantasy storyline, this is one game you won’t want to miss.

The Diamond Pack Includes:
Refresh Token*10
Bless Stone*10.

To Redeem Your Code:

  1. Create an account and log-in game at the official site.
  2. Click the Gift icon below the mini map.
  3. Enter the code to claim the rewards!

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Giveaway is no longer active.
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