We’ve teamed up with Panoramik Interactive to hand out a small batch of Steam unlock codes for the latest VR shooter to be brave enough to step into the wild world of VR, Cargo Cult Shoot’n’Loot!
Оn the ruins of the old world, among the picturesque fragments of civilization, the last ship of the Great Mechanical Armada wades deep into the territory of Cargo Cult to steal El Dorado. You’re the captain. Shoot’n’Loot will give you all of these and even more! Turn fragile schooner into a deadly machine of destruction carrying death, disruption… and lots of FUN! Shoot crowds of armed to the teeth opponents and collect variety of treasures in the most exciting VR experience ever – SHOOT’n’LOOT!
To Enter the Raffle:
- Post in our forum thread and tell us what your favorite experience with VR is so far!
- We’ll be raffling off winners on Monday, January 30th. Winners will be PM’d their code, so make sure to check back and see if you’ve won!
- Learn more about Cargo Cult on their Steam page.