The Surge 2
The Surge 2 is a singleplayer souls-like action RPG revolving around challenging close quarters combat.
After being shot down midflight, you’ve been left stranded in Jericho City; a derelict metropolis overrun with a deadly disease and ruthless robots alike. No one is coming to save you, fight for survival in a town where everything wants you dead.
►Mano y Mano: Engage enemies in hardcore one-on-one gladiatorial combat where every second is a struggle for life or death.
►Analytica: Recognize the weaknesses and attack patterns of your foes to maintain a constant advantage. Similarly, utilize tools, tech, and parries to overcome especially tough encounters.
►I’ll Take That: Every opponent is a walking treasure chest. Cut off the parts you want and potentially even uncover a hidden vulnerability.
►Character Progression: Personalize the details of your build from the explosive power of your available weaponry to the more subtle, but still monumentally important exo-suit implants.
This is a stand-alone retail title.
- Status: Pre-Release
- Release Date: Sep 24, 2019
- Business Model: Retail
- Developer: Deck13
- Publisher: Focus Home Interactive
- Category: Stand-alone
- Genre(s): 3D, Adventure, RPG, Sci-Fi
- Platforms: PC, Steam, Xbox One, PS4
- System Requirements not yet known.
- Description: The Surge 2 is a singleplayer souls-like action RPG revolving around challenging close quarters combat.
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