Space Misfits
Space Misfits is a 3D massive multiplayer online game providing a dynamic sandbox experience where players can create their own unique stories in a universe of infinite possibilities.
â–ºFight Me for It: Venture out into the great unknown and lay claim to a planet’s resources as your own.
â–ºBacked by ENJ: Buy and sell items like any real world good through the power of blockchain.
â–ºGalactic Relay: Plant the seeds of your self-made empire by first constructing indispensable mining stations useful for managing materials.
â–ºHit the Books: Set some time aside to learn skills vital for interstellar survival like systems mastery, piloting, and engineering.
â–ºTime to Feast: Team up with a few like-minded swashbucklers and take to the stars seizing what’s rightfully yours and plundering the rest.
â–ºHumble Beginnings: Make up for smaller numbers by formulating more strategic approaches to finding success. Staying long low profile and utilizing guerilla warfare is a surefire way to generate initial capital.
â–ºStair Stepping: Though significantly less dangerous, the inner sectors only have so much loot to collect. Make the deadly journey to the outer zones for more profitable encoursions.
â–ºAdrenaline Junkie: Every space dog-fight is an unforgiving duel to the death. Don’t expect your account progress to make up for a lack of technical ability.
This is a free-to-play title offering optional in-game purchases.
- Status: Pre-Release
- Business Model: Free to Play
- Developer: Jade Stems Studios
- Publisher: Jade Stems Studios
- Category: Stand-alone
- Genre(s): 3D, MMO, Adventure, RPG, Sci-Fi
- Platforms: PC
- System Requirements not yet known.
- Description: Space Misfits is a 3D massive multiplayer online game providing a dynamic sandbox experience where players can create their own unique stories in a universe of infinite possibilities.
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