Metal Gear Survive
Metal Gear Survive is an open world survival game developed by Konami for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Take up arms against a hostile zombie invasion with other players after being sucked up into an alternate dimension on the partially destroyed Mother Base.
Single player stealth tactics, while an option, is distinctly discouraged. The only viable way to see tomorrow is to team up and work in tandem with fellow survivors. Along the way, equip and customize better gear.
- Status: Pre-Release
- Business Model: Retail
- Developer: Konami
- Publisher: Konami
- Category: Stand-alone
- Genre(s): 3D, Shooter
- Platforms: PC, Steam, Xbox One, PS4
Pros:- +Fresh Take on the Series
- +Variety of Character Customization Options
- System Requirements not yet known.
- Description: Metal Gear Survive is an open world survival game developed by Konami for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Take up arms against a hostile zombie invasion with other players after being sucked up into an alternate dimension on the partially destroyed Mother Base.
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