Articles Featuring MapleStory 2
- MapleStory 2 Adds Dungeon Helper System in Today’s Update
- The "Skilled Ally" update drops today in MapleStory 2, which comes with a variety of useful features for players.
- MapleStory 2 Removing Fairfight In Next New Leaf Update
- MapleStory 2's development team has confirmed that its next update on February 28 will remove the Fairfight mechanic from much of its con...
- MapleStory 2 Devs Reveal Feedback and Communication Plans
- This afternoon, the MapleStory 2 team released a producer's blog that details a new plan for player feedback and communication.
- Ten Reasons to Try MapleStory 2
- I'm going to give you ten solid reasons why you should give MapleStory 2 a shot if you haven't already.
- MapleStory 2 Review
- MapleStory 2 is an adorable voxel-styled MMORPG that's cute, fun, and easily accessible for newcomers and old-hands at MapleStory.
- MapleStory 2 Closed Beta Impressions
- I’m going into this review without a lot of MapleStory 1 experience, so I have no real expectations or preconceived notions about the MMO.
- MapleStory 2 Registration for Closed Beta #2 Is Open
- Nexon America announced today that the Closed Beta 2 for MapleStory 2's Closed Beta test will run from July 18th through August 1st, 2018...
- Maplestory 2 Final Korean CB Test Announced
- Nexon released an announcement last night scheduling one final closed beta test phase for the Korean MapleStory 2 servers.
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