Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom
Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom is a title by Tecmo-Koei based on the hit anime series of the same name. The game pits the titular characters of the game versus a horde of gigantic Titans in a hack ‘n’ slash style/survival game. It retells key points in the story in a faithful way, using the Mobile Gear to launch themselves across the stage, between and over buildings. It has a single player story mode, and an online multiplayer where you can friends can tackle increasingly harder missions to defend your homes from the Titan threat. Attack on Titan is more than a hack and slash though, as you very much have to consider everything you do, but only have split seconds to do that with the fate of your friends, family, and your own life in the balance.
- Status: Released
- Release Date: Feb 18, 2016
- Business Model: Retail
- Developer: Koei-Tecmo
- Publisher: Koei-Tecmo
- Category: Stand-alone
- Genre(s): 3D, Adventure, RPG, Fantasy
- Platforms: PC, Steam, Xbox One, PS3, PS4
Editor's Score: 5/5
Pros:- + Incredibly faithful to the source material.
- + Unique among a sea of hack 'n' slash.
- + Incredibly gratifying to become good at/demolish Titans.
- - Difficulty spike is immense and immediate.
- - Not a lot of variety in stages.
- - Spark-Notes version of the story.
- Recommended System Requirements:
- OS: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit)
- CPU: Core i7 2600 3.40GHz over
- GPU: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 760
- HDD: 25 GB
- Description: Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom pits the titular characters of the game versus a horde of gigantic Titans in a hack 'n' slash style/survival game.
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