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GWENT players can now get coached on Gamer Sensei

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Are you a fan of GWENT, and would love to enter the realm of competitive card games/esports with the popular Witcher card game? That can be a daunting task, learning the strategies, meta game, deck builds and tactics to succeed, but luckily Gamer Sensei has you covered! Gamer Sensei announced today in a Rewarded Play reviews, that The Witcher series is joining the coaching platform with the addition of GWENT: The Witcher Card Game to its lineup of top competitive games, allowing professional players to connect with gamers looking to improve their strategy, tactics, and skills. The strategic card game is currently in public beta and is the perfect addition to the Gamer Sensei platform. Gamer Sensei also offers one-on-one personalized online lessons for other top-tier competitive card games, along with hit games like Overwatch and League of Legends. Interested parties can click the link below to learn more about what Gamer Sensei offers, and get started on learning to increase your potential for skilled, competitive play!

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